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Wildflower Seedbombs

A Bit Shady

A Bit Shady

Regular price $12.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 CAD
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With A Bit Shady Wildflower Seedbombs, you can easily create bright wildflower beds in even the shadiest of spaces. Each seedbomb has been expertly crafted to contain a diverse mix of shade tolerant wildflower seeds, ensuring lush, colourful blooms throughout the growing season and for years to come. These seedbombs contain a blend of shade tolerant wildflowers chosen to perform well under reduced light conditions such as along north walls and under tree canopies.

Good For Pollinators

Plant Type:
Wildflower, Annual, Biennial, Perennial

Partial shade tolerant

Plant height:
30-120 cm (1-4')

Hardiness Zone(s):
2 to 9

Days To Bloom:
Summer to first frost

Seed Ingredients

Alyssum maritima - Maritime Sweet Alyssum 

Cheiranthus allionii - Siberian Wallflower

Chrysanthemum shasta - Shasta Daisy

Clarkia elegans - Elegant Clarkia

Collinsia bicolor - Innocence

Coreopsis lanceolata - Lanceleaf Coreopsis

Cynoglossum amabile - Chinese Forget-me-not

Delphinium consolida - Larkspur

Dianthus barbatus - Sweet William

Echinacea purpurea - Purple Coneflower

Iberis umbellate - Candy Tuft

Linum perenne - Blue Flax

Nemophila insignis - Baby Blue Eyes

Nemophila maculate - Five Spot

Papaver rhoeas - Red Poppy

Supporting Nature With Every Sale

A portion of each purchase supports Nature Canada and Pollinator Partnership Canada.

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